Corporate bonds, along with certificates of deposit from banks and financial companies, are the most popular instruments for safe appreciation of deposits and your free capital.

Bonds offer a guarantee of regular returns and often carry a higher interest rate than regular bank deposits.

Green Valley Country Club Bonds (“GVCC Bonds”) are registered European bonds with a maturity of 3 years and a guaranteed interest rate of 8,5% per annum, issued in EUR and USD.


Basic characteristics of the difference between bank certificates of deposit and GVCC European bonds

                                                                                                                                                      BANK CD´s                                     GVCC BONDS

Annual interest Mostly from 0.5% to 3% 8,5%
Payment of interest Mostly annually Quarterly
Possibility of transferring the certificate or bond to a new person No Yes
Free transfer of certificate or bond to a new person No Yes
Possibility of sending interest and income to the client’s account abroad No Yes
Possibility to make a deposit and buy a bond online Mostly not Yes
Financial bonus on company revenues No Yes
Monthly account maintenance fees Mostly yes No
Cancellation of a deposit or bond before the maturity date No, or high penalty interest is charged Yes, but with a low fee
Setting up a client account for non-residents Mostly not Yes


Green Valley Country Club bonds can be purchased through an authorized broker or online directly with us as the issuer and underwriter of the bond, without paying brokerage fees.

Basic General Characteristics of Green Valley Country Club Bonds:

  • Granted annual interest rate of 8,5% per annum
  • Interest payment every 3 months (quarterly)
  • Bonds issued in EUR and USD
  • European registered bond
  • High liquidity
  • Early redemption option
  • Bonds denominated in USD/EUR 1000,00 each
  • Investment option from as low as USD/EUR 1000,00

You can find complete information about USD Bonds here:

You can find complete information about EUR Bonds here: